Dining Survey

Use the drop down arrow to select the response that best relates to your current situation

What is your gender?
What is your age?
Where do you currently live?
Please estimate your annual household income ( US dollars).
Which of the following best describes your occupation?
What is your marital status?
How would you describe your normal eating habits...choose one
Which meal do you eat out most?
On average, how often do you eat out each week?
Do you expect to eat out ____ than you do currently over the next 12 months?
On average, how much is your total restaurant bill?
The factor that creates the most negative experience for me eating out is...
As a result of a negative experience would you return to the same restaurant?


What types of restaurants do you most often visit? (choose all that apply)
Fast Food Gourmet
Italian Family Style
Mexican Oriental
Health Food Buffets
Formal Dining Casual Dining
Chain Restaurants Neighborhood Rest.
Bar & Grill Seafood
Entertainment Other


What most influences your choice of restaurant? (choose your top 3 choices)
Prices Service
Convenience Family Friendly
Food Selection Location
Coupons Atmosphere
Food Specials Happy Hour
Entertainment Name Recognition
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Select Submit Survey now to send your responses to us.

This questionnaire was created by Perseus SurveySolutions for the Web.